International Social Housing Festival 2022 will take place in Helsinki on June 14–17. It is organized by The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA), City of Helsinki and Housing Europe. The 2022 edition of International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) explores housing as the foundation of good life. The festival highlights the role of social, public and co-operative housing in achieving socially and ecologically sustainable living in our cities now and in the future.

Setlementtiasunnot is one of the hosts for two events.
On Wednesday morning, Jätkäsaari Walking Tour starts at the Generations Block, consisting of the rental houses of Setlementtiasunnot and the Foundation of student housing in the Helsinki region Hoas, as well as owner-occupied housing. There are altogether 262 apartments, 20 of which are for disabled people.
The block brings together residents of different age and cultural backgrounds in an active lifestyle and community-oriented living, with various common areas, including, e.g. the residents’ living room, a stage for movies and performances, a laundry room with sewing space, a woodwork room and a soundproof music room.

In Viehe 123 -block, together with NAL Asunnot and Nuorisoasuntoliitto, an easy-going event ’Shared spaces & shared living? Creating functional and empowering communities’ takes place on Wednesday afternoon. Viehe123 is a co-built and co-managed three-house block which comprises of youth housing, student housing and housing for senior artists.
By building the house block in collaboration, the partners were able to provide the residents with substantially better facilities. By combining private homes with shared spaces, the partners’ overarching goal was to improve the quality of life of the residents and to enable every-day cross-generational encounters between residents. In order to create a functional community, the partners have explored practices that support smooth co-living and residents’ interaction and offer them opportunities to develop their surroundings.

“Finally, we can have a live-event and share our thoughts and experiences on social housing with colleagues from all over the Europe. We are proud to present our blocks in Verkkosaari and Jätkäsaari, together with our partners”, says Ella Remonen, Customer Service Manager of Setlementtiasunnot.
More information on the festival:
International Social Housing Festival